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Commercial Poultry Sectors

• Broilers and broiler breeders

• Commercial layers and layer breeders

• Primary breeders

• Turkeys and turkey breeders

• Gamebirds, including quail, pheasants and chukars

• All phases of poultry processing, including live haul, processed carcasses and specimens, and product quality control evaluations

Necropsy (Autopsy)

• Full necropsy and application of testing leading to diagnosis and recommendations

• Focused necropsy for organ system surveys

• Ask about scheduling our facilities for company or allied industry posting sessions

• Kindly observe biosecurity and use our vehicle disinfection station when entering and leaving VDP lab property


• Diagnostic examination of client-submitted specimens

• Production-integrated organ system surveys with lesion scoring, measurements, and data analysis

• Ask about sample selection and collection for diagnostic sampling, planning a survey, or designing a research project

• Processing samples for root-cause investigation or second opinion

• Research histopathology, with lesion scoring, measurements, and data analysis

• Request a quotation for histopathology services for your next research project.

Bacteriology - Salmonella

• Routine clinical bacteriology to screen for pathogens

• Kirby-Bauer sensitivity testing

• Outsourcing for MALDI-TOF, PCR, and sequencing

• Salmonella

• National Poultry Improvement Plan Certified

• Serotyping by agglutination tests

• Environmental samples

• Processing samples

Serology - ELISA

• Infectious bronchitis

• Newcastle

• Reovirus

• Infectious bursal disease

• Turkey rhinotracheitis virus (avian Metapneumovirus)

• Mycoplasma gallisepticum, M. synoviae, M. meleagridis

• Others upon request

Other Services and Products

• Virology

• Our virology section is in development

• We currently outsource virology to one or more labs, including  Rollins Lab, PDRC, SD State ADRDL, Purdue ADDL, Iowa State VDL, AviServe and Larad Vaccines.

• Hemorrhagic enteritis virus titration

• Parasitology

• Fecal coccidia scoring

• Gut scrape coccidia scoring

• We produce stain for turkey semen viability evaluation

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